Tuesday August 31st  Afternoon Sessions


1330 – 1415                                           GENERAL LECTURE II: ICAS-2004-0.3, Chairman: R. Bengelink, US


    Bigger, Faster, Greener, Cheaper ? Developing the AIRBUS Response to the Vision 2020 Demands, D. Schmitt, VP RT and Future Projects, Airbus, France

1415 – 1430                                                                                                                   BREAK









ICAS 2004-1.5   Conceptual Design Methods III

Chairs:  T. Maede, Japan Aircraft Dev Co, JP; TBD

ICAS 2004-1.6   Unmanned Air Vehicles I

Chairs:  Y. Koshioka, Fuji  Heavy  Industries, JP; TBD

ICAS 2004-1.5.1

Integration of Survivability Assessment into Combat Aircraft Design for Operational Effectiveness

J. P. Fielding, O. Nilubol

Cranfield Univ., United Kingdom

ICAS 2004-1.5.2

Conceptual Study of a Supersonic Low Observable Heavy Ground Attack Missile

O. Hamnér, R. Jarlås, J. Johansson*

FOI; FMV, Sweden*

ICAS 2004-1.5.3

Design of Multi-Lifting Surfaces at Transonic Flow

H. Zhan, J. Bai, J. Hua, Z. Zhang

Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., China

ICAS 2004-1.6.1 (I.L.)

History of UAV Development in IAI Road Ahead

S. Tsach, J. Chemla, D. Penn, D. Budianu

Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd., Israel

ICAS 2004-1.6.2

Tail-Sitter VTOL-UAV Research Project Overview

T. Udagawa, T. Chisaka, R. Ishii*

Japan Defense Agency; Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan*

ICAS 2004-1.6.3

HALE UAV Platform Optimized for a Specialized 20-km Altitude Patrol Mission

Z. Goraj, A. Frydrychewicz, J. Hermetz*, C. Le Tallec*

Warzaw Univ., Poland; ONERA, France*

ICAS 2004-1.6.4

Performance Analysis of UAV-Interceptor

M. Asim

Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan

ICAS 2004-2.5   CFD Performance Optimization

Chairs:   Y. Sedin, Saab, SE; TBD

ICAS 2004-2.6   CFD Applications II

Chairs:  S. Obayashi, Tohoku Univ., JP; E. G. Tulapurkara, Indian Inst. Of Tech., IA

ICAS 2004-2.5.1 (I.L.)

Advances in CFD-Methods for Vortical and Separated Flows of High Maneuverable Aircraft

H. Rieger

EADS Germany, Germany

ICAS 2004-2.5.2

Aircraft Design using a Gradient-Based Optimization Technique

P. Weinerfelt

Saab Aerosystems, Sweden

ICAS 2004-2.5.3


ICAS 2004-2.6.1

Mutual Validation between EFD/CFD for Supersonic Flow around NEXST-1

R. Takaki, N. Suzuki, K. Yoshida

JAXA, Japan

ICAS 2004-2.6.2

Development of a 3-D Unstructured Grid Simulation Capability for Turbulent Aerospace Flows ; E. D. V. Bigarilla, F. C. Moreira, J. L. E. Azevedo CTA, Brazil

ICAS 2004-2.6.3

CFD Analysis of Aerodynamic Heating for HYFLEX High Enthalpy Flow Tests and Flight Conditions

K. Murakami, Y. Yamamoto, O. Rouzand*

JAXA, Japan; ONERA, France*

ICAS 2004-2.6.4

Developments of Multi-Disciplinary Simulation

Y. Yamamoto

JAXA, Japan

ICAS 2004-3.5   Stability, Receptivity, Transition II

Chairs:   H. Reed, Arizona State Univ., US; TBD

ICAS 2004-3.6   Compressible and Vortex Flows

Chairs:  R. Galbraith, Univ. of Glasgow, UK; K. Knowles, Cranfield Univ., UK

ICAS 2004-3.5.1

Characteristics of Wavepacket and Wedge-Shaped Disturbances Propagation in Supersonic Boundary Layer

T. Atobe, H. H. Chen*

JAXA, Japan; Calfornia State Univ., USA*

ICAS 2004-3.5.2

On the Receptivity of Supersonic Boundary Layer to Oscillating Mach Waves

S. Sakaue, M. Nishioka

Dept. Aerospace Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan

ICAS 2004-3.5.3

Stability of Supersonic Swept-Wing Boundary Layers with or without Crossflow

T. Nomura

JAXA, Japan

ICAS 2004-3.6.1 (St.)

Curvature Effects in the Curved Duct for the Compressible Viscous Flow

K. Ozaki, H. Maekawa

Hiroshima Univ., Japan

ICAS 2004-3.6.2

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Deflected Surfaces in Compressible Flows

K-M. Chung

National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan

ICAS 2004-3.6.3

An Implicit Solution of the Unsteady Navier Stokes Equations on Unstructured Moving Grids

A. Jahangirian, M. Hadi Doolabi

Amirkabir Univ. of Technology, Iran

ICAS 2004-3.6.4

Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Flowfield with Secondary Injection

R. S. Amano, D. Sun

Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

ICAS 2004-4.5   Structural Analysis and Design

Chairs:  E. M. Belo, Univ. de São Paulo, BR; TBD

ICAS 2004-4.6   Safety Aspects

Chairs:  B. Lee, Boeing, US ,  T. Tshuchiya, Univ of Tokyo, JP

ICAS 2004-4.5.1

FEM Based Bending Analyses of Stiffened Composite Panels

M. Wallin, Y. Liang

Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland

ICAS 2004-4.5.2

Non-Homogeneous Composite Beams: Analytic Formulation and Solution

M. Grebshtein, V. Rovenski, M. Kazar, O. Rand

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

ICAS 2004-4.5.3

Multilevel Distributed Substructure Optimization

J. O. Entzinger, R. Spallino*, W. Ruijter

Univ. of Twente, Netherlands; AIRBUS-DE, Germany*

ICAS 2004-4.6.1 (I.L.)

Modelling Response of Flexible High Aspect Ratio Wings to Wind Turbulence

A. V.. Balakrishnan

NASA-UCLA Flight Systems Research Center, USA

ICAS 2004-4.6.2

Autonomous Flight Control and Guidance System of Accident Aircraft

S. Suzuki, F. Kawamura*, K. Masui**

Univ. of Tokyo; Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Ltd.*; JAXA, Japan**

ICAS 2004-4.6.3

Flight Experiment on a Flight Path Optimization Algorithm for Aircraft in Trouble

K. Masui, H. Tomita, Y. Komatsu*

JAXA; Univ. of Tokyo, Japan*

ICAS 2004-4.6.4

A Simplified Hazard Area Prediction (SHAPe) Model for Wake Vortex Encounter Avoidance

K-U. Hahn, C. Schwarz, H. Friehmelt

DLR-German Aerospace Center, Germany

ICAS 2004-5.5   Materials and Manufacturing Methods

Chairs:  W. Wallace, NRC, CA


ICAS 2004-5.6   Manufacturing Methods for Metallic Structures

Chairs:  B. Nesterenko, MIPhT, RU; T. Aoki, Univ. of Tokyo, JP

ICAS 2004-5.5.1 (I.L.)

Advanced Materials and Coatings for Future Gas Turbine Applications

C. Leyens

DLR-German Aerospace Center, Germany

ICAS 2004-5.5.2

Development of Micro Spark Coating

A. Goto, M. Akiyoshi*, H. Ochiai*, M. Watanabe*

Mitsubishi Electric Corp.; Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Corp., Japan*

ICAS 2004-5.5.3

FEM Analysis of Internal Stress Superplasticity in  AL/SICW Composite with Different VF Subjected to Thermal Cycling

A. Abedian, A. Malekpour

Sharif Univ. of Technology, Iran

ICAS 2004-5.6.1 (St.)

An Investigation of the Effects of Ageforming on the Microstructure in Aerospace Alloys

D. Bakavos, P. Prangnell, B. Bes

 Manchester Materials Science Centre, United Kingdom

ICAS 2004-5.6.2

Numerical and Experimental Simulation of Damage Behaviour of Fibre Metal Laminates

P. Linde, J. Pleitner, H. de Boer*, J. Sinke**

Airbus, Hamburg, Germany; Advanced Lightweight Eng.*; Delft Technical Univ., Netherlands**

ICAS 2004-5.6.3

The Static Strength Analysis of Friction Stir Welded Stiffened Panels for Primary Fuselage Structure

A. Murphy, F. Lynch, M. Price, P. Wang

Queen’s Univ. Belfast, United Kingdom

ICAS 2004-5.6.4

Application of Quantitative Microfractography in Damage Tolerance and Fatigue Evaluation of Wing Spar J. Kunz, I. Nedbal, P. Augustin, A. Pistek* *

Czech Tech Univ. in Prague; Brno Univ. of Technology, Czech Republic*

ICAS 2004-6.5   Intakes and Nozzles ; Chairs: K. Broichhausen, MTU, DE; P. Marquez, Industria de Turbopropulsores, ES

ICAS 2004-6.6   Hypersonic Propulsion Components

Chairs:  E. Prisell, FMV, SE; TBD

ICAS 2004-6.5.1

Incidence Effects on the Aerodynamic Performance of the NEXST-2 Supersonic Intake Mounted Underneath a Wing

H. Fujiwara, A. Murakami, Y. Watanabe

JAXA, Japan

ICAS 2004-6.5.2

Flow-Field of a 12-Lobe Convoluted Mixer

L. Jiang, I. Yimer, W. E. Carscallen

National Research Council, Canada

ICAS 2004-6.5.3 (St.)

Innovative Flow Control in a Cascade Thrust Reverser

S. Hall, E. Benard, S. Raghunathan

Queen's Univ. Belfast, United Kingdom

ICAS 2004-6.6.1

Aerodynamic Performances of  the Combined Cycle Inlet

S. Kubota, K. Tani*, G. Masuya

Tohoku Univ.; JAXA, Japan*

ICAS 2004-6.6.2 (St.)

Time Series Measurements of Mixing Condition of Hydrogen – Air Supersonic Mixing Layer

T. Arai, F. Sakima*

Muroran Inst. of Technology; Fluent Asia Pacific Co. Ltd., Japan*

ICAS 2004-6.6.3

Increased RBCC Ejector Performance through Area Constriction

J. Etele, J. P. Sislian

UTIAS, Univ. of Toronto, Canada

ICAS 2004-6.6.4

Engine Starting Performance Evaluation at Static State Conditions using Supersonic Air Intake

T. Nishikido, I. Murata, H. Futamura*, Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.; JAXA, Japan*

ICAS 2004-7.5   Ice Accretion and De-Icing Technologies

Chairs:  W. Habashi, McGill Univ. CA; TBD

ICAS 2004-7.6   Subsystems and Equipment

Chairs:  P. Monclar, Messier-Dowty, FR; TBD

ICAS 2004-7.5.1 (I.L.)

An Overview of the De-Icing and Anti-icing Technologies with Prospects for the Future

Z. Goraj

Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland

ICAS 2004-7.5.2

Numerical Simulation of Airfoil Ice Accretion and Thermal Anti-Icing Systems

J. E. Dillingh, H. W. M. Hoeijmakers

Univ. of Twente, Netherlands

ICAS 2004-7.5.3

FENSAP-ICE: A Full-3D In-Flight Icing Simulation System for Aircraft, Rotorcraft and UAVs

W. G. Habashi, M. Aubé, G. Baruzzi, F. Morency, P. Tran, J. C. Narramore

Newmerical Technologies International, Canada

ICAS 2004-7.6.1

Flap Control Systems: Proposal of Advanced Asymmetry Monitoring Techniques

B. Lorenzo, V. Giuseppe

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

ICAS 2004-7.6.2

Modeling of a Three-Phase Application of a Magnetic Amplifier

L. Austrin, G. Engdahl*

Saab Aerosystems; Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden*

ICAS 2004-7.6.3

Fuel Cell APU’s in Commercial Aircraft – an Assessment of SOFC and PEMFC Concepts

S. Eelman, I. del Pozo y de Poza, T. Krieg

TU Munich, Germany

ICAS 2004-7.6.4

Fault Tolerant Flight Control Hydraulic System for Helicopters

S. Viswanath, R. Nagarajan

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, India

ICAS 2004-8.5   Air Traffic Management Operations III

T. Domoto, ATEC, JP; TBD

ICAS 2004-8.6   Training, Certification and Safety Information

Chairs:  F. Noda, JAXA, JP; G. Verde, Vulcanair, S.p.A., IT

ICAS 2004-8.5.1 (I.L.)

Preliminary Validation of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Higher Volume Operations (SATS HVO) Concept

D. Williams, M. Consiglio, J. Murdoch, C. Adams, NASA - Langley Research Center, USA

ICAS 2004-8.5.2 (I.L.)

Airborne-Managed Spacing in Multiple Arrival Streams

B. Barmore, T. Abbott*, K. Krishnamurthy**

NASA - Langley Research Center; Booz Allan Hamilton*; Titan Corp., USA**

ICAS 2004-8.5.3 (St.)

Intermodality from a Passenger Perspective

A. Cokasova

Eurocontrol Research Centre, France

ICAS 2004-8.6.1

Training Aspects of Implementation of JAR Regulations in the Czech Republic

A. Pistek, L. Janicek, J. Novak*

Brno Univ. of Technology, Czech Republic; Joint Aviation Authorities, Netherlands*

ICAS 2004-8.6.2

Current Situation of Aviation Safety Information Exchange Systems in Japan

T. Domoto, S. Kimura*, A. Watanabe**

Ass. of Air Transport Eng. Research; Ministry of Land*; Nippon Inst. of Technology, Japan**

ICAS 2004-8.6.3

Military Rotorcraft Qualification in the Netherlands - The Role of NLR

M. Buitelaar

NLR - National Aerospace Laboratory, Netherlands

ICAS 2004-8.6.4

Technological Trends in Simulation Technology in Aviation & Pilot Training

L. Janicek, A. Pistek , Brno Univ. of Technology, Czech Republic