Paper Handling ICAS 2018 Belo Horizonte, Brazil 09.-14.09.2018
Please visit this page for frequent updates concerning paper upload and handling till the congress.
If you are unsure of how to present an interactive presentation please see the follwing 2 videos.
Interactive presentation video
A Word paper template and a LaTex version can be found here. Please use those templates when writing your paper.
Additional information about the flow can be found in our Call for papers brochure.
Due to a lot of mails from authors who forgot their LogIn data there's an easy procedure. Go to the LogIn page and put in your abstract ID which should be something like ICAS2018_ followed by a 4 digit number. If you then press 'Forgot your password ?' the password will be sent to the contact email of the first author.
In order to be able to publish interactive presentation we require a 'paper' (not the screen presentation version!) version of your presentation, formatted according to the paper template listed above.
Please use the upload on your personal page only for uploading a paper version of your screen presentation which will be published in the congress proceedings.
A Template for the screen version of your interactive presentation is available for download. If you finalized your presentation please see the video of how to upload your file to the Local Organizing Committee. Please use the upload site for that. We request you to do that till the 3rd August 2018.
If you have problems or questions with that please mail to [email protected]
Again, if you want your interactive presentation published in the congress proceedings you have to finalize a 'paper' version of that and upload it via the normal ICAS upload with the access data provided in your acceptance mail. We will not publish Powerpoint files in our proceedings.
For those authors of interactive presentations there is an additional deadline of 3rd August 2018 for uploading their .ppt files to the local organization committee.
Remark about the reminder mail:
At 3rd of July we sent a reminder mail to all those authors who either haven't uploaded or didn't register. We found out that there's a lot of room for error for the registration issue since some authors forgot to mention their Paper ID during the registration and a confirmed registration for the ICAS paper system is only done when the payment is received.
If you, for example, paid by bank transfer that may take a while. So that button does not turn automatically green at the same moment you finish your registration.
As a bottom line, if all other buttons are green and you have a confirmed registration, there's nothing to worry about.
After the 29th July we'll start to replace all those authors who haven't uploaded a paper yet nor registered for the congress. We gave some extension those authors are fine. If you haven't informed us about your intentions for the congress your paper might be deleted right away if you met both criteria. If you don't plan to attend please withdraw your paper as soon as possible in order to give the reserve paper authors as much time as possible to prepare for the trip.
If we have a no show at the congress your paper would be deleted for the congress proceedings anyway.
You'll find additional information and graphics on