Earlier ICAS workshops
Below you can find links to short reports from earlier ICAS workshops starting from 2003.
On these pages you will also find the links to the presentations made at the workshops.
ICAS Workshop 2003 "Towards a Global Vision for Aeronautics”
ICAS Workshop 2005 "Towards a Global Vision on Aviation Safety and Security"
ICAS Workshop 2007 "UAV-Airworthiness, certification and access to the airspace"
ICAS Workshop 2009 "Aviation and Environment"
ICAS Workshop 2011 "Advanced materials and manufacturing - Certification and operational challenges"
ICAS Workshop 2013 "The more electrical aircraft: Achievements and perspectives for the future"
ICAS Workshop 2015 “Complex Systems Integration in Aeronautics”
Emerging Technology Forums
Since 2015 the former workshops were called Emerging Technology Forums
ICAS Emerging Technology Forum 2017 "Intelligent and Autonomous Technologies in Aeronautics"
Future ICAS Emerging Technology Forum
The next ICAS Emerging Technology Forum will be held from 01.-05. September 2019 in Melbourne, Australia