ICAS Workshop 2011
"Advanced materials and manufacturing - Certification and operational challenges"
In connection with the meeting of the ICAS Programme Committee, September 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden a one-day workshop was arranged. The workshop provided the opportunity to experts from all over the world in the field to exchange views and to identify further areas of potential cooperation. The workshop programme, the presentations during the workshop and the media release can be downloaded below. In case of problem with downloading - contact the ICAS Secretariat.
Certification and continued airworthiness issues for composite structures
Mr. R. Minter, EASA, Cologne, Germany
Expanding the limits of advanced materials and structures
Mr. F. Doerner, Boeing, St.Louis, USA
Composites challenges for a further development in aerospace sector
Mr. C. Brand, EADS, Suresnes, France
Composite application challenge in primary aircraft structure
Mr. T. Abe, MHI, Nagoya, Japan
Reduction of development costs of full composite aero-structure: a proposal from a research sector
Dr. T. Ishikawa, JAXA, Tokyo, Japan
Manufacturing and certification of composite primary structures for civil and military aircraft
Dr. A.R. Upadhya, NAL, Bangalore, India
Experience with the application of composites in aerospace structures
Mr. P. Nordin, Saab Aeronautics, Linköping, Sweden
Future challenges in the design of structures made of CFRP
Prof. R. Degenhardt, DLR, Braunschweig, Germany
Summarising Forum & Key Messages
Prof. M. Scott, CRC-ACS, Melbourne, Australia