ICAS Workshop 2009
“Aviation and Environment”
In connection with the meeting of the ICAS Programme Committee, September 2009 in Amsterdam, NL a one-day workshop on the theme "Aviation and Environment" was arranged. The workshop provided the opportunity to international experts in the field to exchange views and to identify further areas of potential cooperation. The workshop program and the presentations during the workshop can be downloaded below. In case of problem with downloading - contact the ICAS Secretariat.
REF1:The OMEGA Initiative, Aviation in a Sustainable Environment
Prof. Ian Poll, Cranfield University, UK
REF2:Sustainable Aviation, NLR and Partners Research
Ir. Roland Vercammen, NLR, NL
REF3:Aircraft Emissions – Climate Research, Status and Next Steps
Prof. Joachim Szodruch, DLR; D
REF4:Environmental Problems of the SSBJ Engine in the HISAC Project
Ph. De Saint Martin, Dassault Aviation, F; Dr. Artur Mirzoyan, CIAM, RU
REF5:Lufthansa - The Environmental Concept of a Global Operating Airline
Dr. Karl Heinz Haag, Lufthansa, D
REF6:The FAA Environmental Policy
Dr. Carl Burleson, FAA, US