Report ICAS 2004
The ICAS 2004 Congress was held in Yokohama, Japan from August 29 to September 3, 2004. The Japan Society for the Aeronautical and Space Sciences acted as the host Society for ICAS.
The Congress was one of the more successful in the ICAS history and the level of participation was higher than that of the previous Congresses, in Harrogate and Toronto. The number of registered participants was 570 excluding accompanying persons.
More than 500 abstracts for papers were considered in preparing the technical programme. The papers were presented in 8 parallel sessions and ranged from more fundamental scientific topics, having promising aspects for the long term future, to problems of design and safety for the industry today. The programme for this congress contained more sessions than usual on Air Traffic Management and operations as well as sessions on propulsion, provided by ISABE.
More than 300 papers were presented, including a number of very high quality invited General Lectures, which can be downloaded below.
General Lectures
Kozo Fujii, ISAS/JAXA, Japan:
"Progress and Future Prospects of CFD in Aerospace - Observations from 30 years research" here.
Amedeo Caporaletti, CEO Agusta-Westland, Italy:
"Perspectives of Future Developments of Vertical Flight" here.
Dieter Schmitt, VP R&T and Future Projects, Airbus, France:
"Bigger, Faster, Greener, Cheaper? Developing the AIRBUS Response to the Vision 2020 Demands" here.
Daniel Deviller, Chief Technology Officer, EADS, France:
"Innovation in Aerospace & Defence Industry - A European Perspective" here.
Robert J. Krieger, President Boeing Phantom Works, US:
"Innovation in Aerospace & Defence Industry - A US Perspective" here.
Bruce J. Holmes, NASA Langley, USA:
"Transformations in Air Transportation Systems for the 21st Century" here.
Ernst van Hoek, GARTEUR Council Chairman, NL:
"GARTEUR - 30 years of European collaboration in aeronautics research" here.
ICAS Awards 2004
Prof. Kozo Fujii from ISAS/JAXA, Japan received the ICAS Guggenheim Award and presented an interesting invited general lecture - see above.
The ICAS von Karman Award was given, as usual, to a successful example of international cooperation - this year the European GARTEUR Programme - presented in a general lecture by the GARTEUR Council chairman Dr E. van Hoek. The GARTEUR Programme involves the seven European countries Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
The ICAS Maurice Roy Medal, awarded to a distinguished individual for outstanding contribution to international cooperation and understanding was bestowed to Prof. Boris Laschka from Germany.
The ICAS John J. Green Award, which is given to a young person who has demonstrated an exceptional record in fostering international cooperation, was awarded to Dr Javid Bayandor from Australia.
The McCarthy Award which recognized the authors of the two most outstanding student papers presented at the Congress went to Stefan Görtz and Joakim Möller from Sweden for the first Award and to Nobuhiro Yokoyama from Japan for the second Award.