About ICAS

What is the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences?

  • It was founded by Theodore von Kármán in 1957.
  • It is a non-government, not-for-profit organization that facilitates and encourages the free exchange of information on aeronautical research and technology at a global level.
  • It is the global organization supporting aeronautical engineering professional societies and associated organizations from around 30 countries.
  • It organizes a major biennial Congress presenting timely, high-quality work from the world-wide research community covering all aspects of aeronautical science and technology and their application to both military and aviation.
  • All papers presented at the congress are included in the electronic publication available at the Congress. In addition, the ICAS electronic archive, containing over five thousand documents, is freely available to the world-wide aeronautics community.
  • The ICAS Congress provides a unique for engineers and scientists from all over the world to meet, to hear the results of the latest research and to exchange ideas and information. It also provides an opportunity for young engineers and students to develop an international network of colleague.
  • For more info, please visit www.icas.org