The venue of congress and exhibition is:
Firenze Fiera - Palazzo dei Congressi and Palazzo degli Affari
Piazza Adua 1 - 50123 Firenze
Tel. +39 055 49721
Florence Office
V.le G. Mazzini, 70 - 50132 Firenze
Lorenzo Mori
Tel. +39 055 23388143
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact during congress days:
Lorenzo Mori: 347 0820854
All information about the congress will be available on the official website
Merkur Expo Logistics (MEL) is the Official Logistics Agency at Firenze Fiera: it is therefore not allowed to third parties to deliver/pick up inside the exhibition areas or operate with forklifts or other means within the venue.
Companies wishing to deliver their material for the stand directly on the day of set-up, at the times indicated, will be able to organize the unloading of the goods on their own without the need to contact MERKUR EXPO LOGISTICS.
Firenze Fiera will not accept shipments arriving directly at the Congress Center not addressed to Merkur Expo Logistics.
For any information you should contact MERKUR EXPO LOGISTICS. The Organizing Secretariat has no decision-making power regarding this service.
Fabio Cenedese - mobile phone +39 334 3568683
Markus Meyer - mobile phone +39 333 3659454
Email: [email protected]
Each stand must have a maximum height of mt. 2.50.
The exhibition space will be provided bare, no furniture or electrical supply are included.
Electricity supply costs are the following:
Electrical connection 1 kw with power strip 3 sockets - Euro 65,00
Electrical connection 2 kw with power strip 3 sockets - Euro 110,00
Electrical connection 3 kw with power strip 3 sockets - Euro 160,00
- 4 square meters at a cost of Euro 410,00 - this solution is possible only for 4 sqm spaces.
For spaces from 6 sqm:
- 6 square meters at a cost of Euro 600,00
- 12 square meters at a cost of Euro 1200,00
- 15 square meters at a cost of Euro 1500,00
- 21 square meters at a cost of Euro 2100,00
Booth walls customization with forex printed panels at a cost of Euro 70,00/sqm. For Italian companies only: all costs are subject to 22% VAT.
For any request for additional services such as furniture, electricity, etc., please send the form below to the organizing secretariat by email to: [email protected] by Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.
The set-up is scheduled exclusively on Sunday September 8th from 08.30 to 18.30.
Companies wishing to deliver their material for the stand directly on the day of set-up, at the times indicated, will be able to organize the unloading of the goods on their own without the need to contact MERKUR EXPO LOGISTIC (MEL).
Only from 08.30 to 17.00, it is possible to access the garden of the Palazzo dei Congressi with your own vehicle exclusively for the unloading of the material, after which the vehicle must be immediately parked outside. It is not possible to park inside the garden of the Palazzo dei Congressi.
If you need assistance in unloading the goods for your stand, please contact MERKUR EXPO LOGISTICS (MEL) at the contacts indicated above.
To access during set-up and dismantling, it is mandatory to register on the Firenze Fiera portal (see below).
Dismantling is allowed only on Thursday September 12th from 16.00 to 19.00.
The Organization will provide for the necessary removal at the expense and risk of the exhibitor himself for the stands that are not dismantled and for the materials that are not collected or prepared according to the instructions provided.
Those who do not collect the goods directly on the day of dismantling will have to organize the shipment with MERKUR EXPO LOGISTICS.
Shipments will not be accepted without the management of MERKUR EXPO LOGISTICS.
Important! Congress sessions/lectures will run in the Auditorium (Plenary room, located next to the exhibition area) on Thursday, September 12th until 17:30. Exhibitors are kindly requested to avoid noisy dismantling procedures that might disturb sessions.
Exhibiting companies are required to register on the Firenze Fiera portal to print the pass to access with vehicles and people for the preparation of the stand. The same will have to be done for the dismantling.
About 10 days before conference starts, Firenze Fiera will send to the exhibitors’ contact provided by the AIM Italy secretariat the link to the portal and the access credentials for registration together with an information vademecum.
In the portal it will be possible to register both the names and any vehicles that will have to access for unloading. Please note that once the material has been unloaded, the vehicle will have to leave the congress center as parking is not allowed.
Without registration and access passes, it will not be possible to access the congress palace for set-up and dismantling.
Each Exhibiting Company is required to comply with the current laws on plant safety and to exhibit declarations of compliance with any request by the staff of the AIM Italy Organizing Secretariat.
By arrangement of the congress venue you will find the Technical Safety Regulations (attached to this document) containing the rules to be complied with and forms A, B, C, D and E.
Exhibiting companies that will build a stand, not popup or roll-up stands or pre-furnished booth provided by Firenze Fiera, are required to send forms A, B and C by Wednesday, July 31st (by email to [email protected]) while forms D and E are mandatory only if fireproof materials are used in the set-up of the stand.
AIM ITALY declines all responsibility in the event that Firenze Fiera does not allow the stand to be set up due to the lack of the forms required above.
Exhibitors are also requested to obtain all the fireproof and safety attestations/certifications for electrical systems, as required by law, and to keep them at the stand in case of control by the competent bodies.
There is no porterage service or assistance to couriers for the unloading and loading of the material. If you have any questions, please contact MERKUR EXPO LOGISTICS.
A mandatory insurance policy for each exhibitor requested by Firenze Fiera at the cost of Euro 100,00.
Please fill the form with the requested information.
If you wish to use your own insurance coverage for RCT and All Risks, you must submit an appendix issued by the Company in Italian/English (duly dated and signed) which contains the main and necessary features of the contract to which it refers.
The necessary elements that the appendix must include (and which exempt the exhibitor from activating the policy in the name of Firenze Fiera SpA) are the following and the insured limits cannot be lower than the minimum amount set by Firenze Fiera SpA:
appendix for RCT:
- Data of the contractor: company name, registered/operating office, VAT number/code tax;
- Data of any added insured persons: company name, VAT number/code tax;
- Cover start/expiry date: day/month/year;
- Insured risk: civil liability towards third parties and workers;
- Ceiling RCT €15.000.000,00 for each claim, with a limit of €5.000.000,00 for each injured person and €3.000.000,00 for damage to property;
- Territorial validity;
- Among the guarantees provided by the contract, reference must be made to the coverage following participation, by way of example and not in limitation, in “internships, conferences, exhibitions, fairs and refresher courses/professional training”;
- Waiver of retaliation against Firenze Fiera;
- The organizer/Firenze Fiera must be considered as a third party;
- RC Third for fire damage for a ceiling of €15.000.000,00 for each claim.
appendix for All Risks
- Data of the contractor: company name, registered/operating office, VAT number/code tax;
- Data of any added insured persons: company name, VAT number/code tax;
- Cover start/expiry date: day/month/year;
- Insured risk: All Risks during the storage of the goods brought on display in the exhibition centres;
- Minimum ceiling: €15.000,00;
- Waiver of retaliation against Firenze Fiera;
- Third party appeal from fire;
- Territorial validity;
- Among the guarantees provided by the contract, reference must be made to the coverage following participation, by way of example and not in limitation, in “internships, conferences, exhibitions, fairs and refresher courses/professional training”.
Please send the policy to [email protected] and it will be examined by Firenze Fiera broker and if the exhibitor is unable to provide the two appendices requested with all the above-mentioned items or the documentation does not comply with what it is requested, the exhibitor must proceed with the activation of our insurance coverage.
No commercial activity must take place in the exhibition spaces.
It is not allowed to park inside the garden of the Palazzo dei Congressi. Please check the following lins of parking areas around conference venue: - Stazione Santa Maria Novella - Stazione Binario 16
Click here to download all documents