ICAS-AIDAA Agreement for ICAS 2024 Signed in Florence

The agreement between the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) and AIDAA – The Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics, for the organization of the 34th edition of the ICAS Congress was signed on 8 May 2023, in the Salone dei Cinquecento of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.

The event was attended by local authorities and stakeholders representatives, including the councilor for work and professional training of the municipality of Florence, Benedetta Albanese; the president of AIDAA, Erasmo Carrera; the president of ICAS, Dimitri Mavris; the pro-rector of the Università degli Studi di Firenze, Debora Berti; the professor of fluid machinery at the University of Florence, Andrea Arnone; the secretary of the chamber of commerce of Florence, Giuseppe Salvini; the president of Firenze Fiera SpA, Lorenzo Becattini; the president of Destination Florence Convention & Visitors Bureau, Federico Barraco; the head of the Institute of Military Aeronautical Sciences, Gen. Urbano Floreani; and the Director General of CIRA – Italian Aerospace Research Centre, Fabrizio Vecchi.